Every car owner needs to jack up his car someday or the other whether to change the tires or change the brake pads etc. It does not matter if you are a mechanic or an amateur, it is necessary to keep in mind some standard safety tips while jacking up your car to avoid any untoward incident. Once you have identified the need to jack up your car, it is necessary to take some preliminary precautions in order to avoid some pretty extensive and costly damage to your car or for that matter to yourself as well.
The first and absolutely necessary step is to check whether the wheels of your car properly blocked or not. This is important because as soon as you will start raising your car there is a likely possibility of its slipping or rolling. Along with blocking the wheels it is also wise to put your car in the first gear beforehand as well as use two jack stands in case floor jack fails to do its job. Furthermore you could also place big chunks of wood or brick behind each wheel to prevent the car from rolling and also make sure to park your car on a level plane wherever possible.
Once you have made sure of the stability of the wheels of your car, you can now proceed further. You will need some standard jack pad tools to lift up your car without damaging it. There are some basic equipment that comes with your car to assist you in jacking it up. However it always pays to have some good accessories to ensure safety when you want to lift up your car. If in case you own a BMW then you could get quality BMW jack stands and BMW jack pads from reverse logic limited which are considered to be a trustworthy sellers of automobile tools.
The BMW jack pads are then placed in the factory provided jack holes in the car. The BMW jack stands provide further support and stability to the lifted up car. Just check the stability of the car supported on the jack stands by giving it a light push. Once you have ensured that the car is stable now and has extra support, you could easily slide below and make your repairs. It is of paramount importance that you should use quality jack up equipment as any accident could not only damage your car but could also cost you your limbs or worse, life! Reverse logic limited is a reliable name when it comes to jack pads, stands even wheel hangars.
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