Be it an individual or a business, donating to worthy causes which benefit the society and the environment as a whole has always been important. For corporate this contribution provides an opportunity to highlight and market their business. Contributing to community benefits and causes that have national and international value can have an immense impact if it is consistent with the goals as well as the values of a particular business.Some of the corporate even associate the sale of their merchandise to environmental or social cause. To give an example, certain portion of the profit of a few businesses go directly to support some cause that is taken up as a mission by the corporate. Another way many companies contribute to causes that support the community and also provide an advantage to employees is by encouraging employees to volunteer for non-profit organization or some charity during work hours.The non-profit organization benefits from the talents donated by the employees, whereas the business gains by building an enhanced image. It is always not about gains, many corporate realize their responsibility towards the society and the environment, to play their part and help in certain causes take up projects that benefit the larger society.
Welfare Projects as a Part of CSR
Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR has become a central part of companies in todays world. CSR activities include different initiatives which are taken up by the businesses to give back something beneficial to the society which has assisted them to reach their current success. Corporate conduct myriad CSR activities to ensure sustainability.
Different companies carry out their corporate social responsibility through diversified projects and operational processes. The actives which the corporate engage themselves in range from disseminating education, providing health care, taking care of the environment, economic empowerment, disaster relief and much more. They invest in the cause and provide expertise as well volunteers who are focussed towards achieving the ultimate goal, which is to bring out social and environmental benefits through their efforts. In performing this social and environmental welfare drive they do not see what benefit they will gather out of it but the main focus here remains to be the benefit of the society and the responsibility of corporate as a community towards the planet and humanity.
Sustainability Awards for the Leader in CSR
Sustainability Awards recognize organisations which take initiatives that exhibit leadership and dedication to sustainable business practices. Most of the countries have sustainability awards to recognize the contribution of corporate towards the society. They are dedicated to the corporate who are the leader in CSR. Even in India corporate are conferred with prestigious awards like the CII-ITC Sustainability Award, the Parivartan Sustainability Leadership Awards to corporate that encompass ecological, cultural, social, economic contributions within the frame work of their operational principles.
Mostly awardees are put through scrutiny regarding the contribution which they have made towards the society and the environment at large. Following a dynamic review by a jury, large multinationals, corporate, as well as medium or smaller sized businesses that have taken commendable steps towards sustainable action in the country are bestowed with reward. These rewards increase the prestige of the business and also motivate other corporate to take part actively in social and environmental welfare projects.