Mending a broken relationship is one of the toughest challenges a couple can face.
That's because at the juncture where a relationship has failed, it feels as if it's too late and there's no getting back the lost love.
Lovers usually give up at this point believing that there is no chance for reconciliation or way their union can be fixed.
That's when the goodbyes are said and the relationship comes to an end.
Here's the thing though.
If there is true love involved, care and respect for one another, and a desire in both partners to try to make things right, mending a broken relationship really is possible.
And if you both decide the relationship is worth mending, you just need to know how to go about doing it.
Here are the 5 key points that need to be addressed in mending a broken relationship: Effort - a greater amount of effort to mend your relationship will be required than what was given when you and your spouse, or mate got together initially.
To put it in perspective, think back to when you and your lover first got together.
How much effort was needed when you both just started out as a couple? You were in love and your partner couldn't be more perfect.
Now, all those cute little habits that used to be so endearing in the beginning are hard to deal with.
And the issue or issues that brought your relationship to the brink is tough to get past.
Remember, you were already on the edge of calling it quits and gearing yourself up for that end.
It will take extra effort on the part of both parties to not take that next step that would bring about that outcome.
Communication - a commitment to keeping an open line of communication is a requirement in mending a broken relationship.
This may mean more talking about more things than you're use to.
This means calling your mate, boyfriend, or girlfriend at various times during the day just to talk to them.
Tell them how your day is going.
Ask how their day is going.
Talk about what happened while you were at work.
Talk more openly about how you are feeling.
Let your lover know you care about them enough to include them in what is happening in different areas of your life.
It is important to note that keeping open lines of communication doesn't mean hashing the same issues over and over again.
While the problems the both of you are experiencing should be talked about, they shouldn't be on the list of nightly conversations.
Going that route will simply make the desire to fix a failing relationship disappear.
Respect - let me ask you one question, how much care and love are you willing to give someone who doesn't respect you? Now think about your partner or spouse? How much love and care to you think they would give you if you don't respect them.
It is a natural human desire to want to be respected and appreciated.
Without it, no relationship could ever be expected to last...
much less saved.
Self growth - Here's where the rubber meets the road.
This factor is one of the biggest when it comes to mending a broken relationship.
Not one of us is perfect even though we would like to think we are.
The moment we think we start thinking we are or even if we believe we are too old or don't have to change...
well, that's when we missed out on the purpose of life.
Life is about learning and growing until we are the best we can possibly be.
And while we may be better today than we were yesterday, we can still make improvements.
Make a commitment to yourself, because you can only answer to you and for you, to continue to grow, change, and improve to be a better person.
That may relate to the way you treat or talk to others.
It could involve your ability to let another person in emotionally or maybe even letting go and not being so needy or insecure.
It could also mean improving on you physically.
(That alone is guaranteed to make good changes in a variety of ways.
) There are a number of ways we can improve on ourselves that will help save a relationship.
Patience - Have you heard any of these quotes? · "Patience is waiting.
Not passively waiting.
That is laziness.
But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience.
" · "The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.
" · "He that can have patience, can have what he will" · "Patience and fortitude conquer all things" · "All good things come to he who waits" As you probably already know, patience is one of the most difficult traits to conquer.
But as you can see from these quotes, there is one underlying theme about this characteristic as well.
That is that there is great reward for those who are patient.
In your attempt to mend a failing relationship, patience will go a long way to producing a positive outcome.
The changes you and your partner are making will take time and effort.
Be patient with the time it takes and the efforts you and your mate are making and you will find success in your attempt in mending a broken relationship.
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