Success is a worthy goal, although striving for success does have its detractors.
There are those who would argue that those who acquire wealth do so at the expense of people who work for them.
However if you are going to achieve success in this "New Global Economy" you will do so via extraordinary effort, this is the effort that most people are unwilling to make.
You see, people seldom profit by possessing money unless it's money that is earned.
How many times have you seen lottery winners who are bankrupt a handful of years after their financial windfall? Or how about celebrities or heirs to fortunes, reared in an environment with no accountability, who become "victims" of alcohol or drug abuse (do the names Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan or Brittany Spears ring a bell?)? The true value of wealth comes with the wisdom gained whilst acquiring it.
You will learn that to achieve wealth or greatness at any level comes from assuming great responsibility and delivering goods and/or services that have value.
You must be dedicated to your Definite Major Purpose, more so than the 'average mindset crowd' for they haven't the capacity for commitment that you have.
For example, should you accumulate a fortune and then offer it to them on the condition that they do what you did, most would opt out or try to negotiate an alternative plan.
The minority would accept the challenge.
It's the people who would accept the adventure that you want on your team.
They have unlimited value, above and beyond those who long for a life filled with mediocrity.
They become indispensable because of their willingness to step up to the plate and carry the load alongside you.
Reward them.
The average minded people actually do the same in determining their worth in the market place as well.
Example: o Average Attitude + Average Quality = Average Results (or less than) o Good Attitude + Good Quality = Good Results (or less than) o Excellent Attitude + Excellent Quality = Results Beyond Expectations It's a simple formula.
Listen to me now, believe me later.
Millions, and I do mean millions, of people struggle to get by simply because the main goal they have is to get through the day.
They focus on the job they have and on trying to "make ends meet" instead of creating more value.
"That's for other people...
you know, the lucky ones.
" They are where they are, and they earn what they earn, solely because of the limitations they have set, in their own minds.
If you believe that you set your own limits then set them high.
"Reach for the stars," as the old saying goes, "and you just may hit the moon.
" To create a life of excellence is simply a matter of choice and the choice is uniquely yours.
Copyright © 2007 David Martin and Answer Concepts, S.
All rights reserved.
Used with permission.
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