The first and most difficult step that will enable you to get through the holidays without your boyfriend is to put aside your grief and allow yourself to be caught up in the spirit of the season.
Enjoy the decorations, gift buying and getting together with friends.
This doesn't mean that you should stop thinking about your ex boyfriend altogether.
In fact, you should make sure that you find the most perfect and thoughtful gift that you have ever bought him.
It should be something very personal to him that only you would know he would like.
Do not go overboard and buy an extravagant or expensive item.
This will come across as desperate.
It should appear as though you just stumbled upon something while you were shopping that reminded you of him.
The second thing you need to do is call your ex boyfriend and ask if you can get together.
Make sure you sound upbeat and merry.
When you finally get together give him the gift in a lighthearted and casual manner.
Don't despair if he does not have a gift for you.
Try not to get into any serious discussions with him.
He will be expecting this.
The idea is to leave him scratching his head wondering why the two of you didn't end up in a fight as usual.
If he won't agree to see you, mail him the gift with a short note wishing him happy holidays.
The holidays are a wonderful time of year.
Allow the festive mood that surrounds you enter your heart.
He will sense a change in you and just might start to change himself.
If you both begin to let down your guards you stand a better chance of getting back together.
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