There are certain schools of thought in the particle physics arena that say something like this: "There is no free will, we are just playing out a tape that is already pre-written and programmed.
The Universe will unfold, exactly as it was intended.
Even if you think you CHOSE to turn left and not right.
You didn't.
You were always, according to the 'tape', going to turn left.
" I won't bore you with the logical path that led to that conclusion, but it does spark an interesting discussion.
It also sparks an interesting thought.
What if they're right? What if your dreams, your destiny, is already pre-written? But I'd like to add an extra dimension: What if you actually have two pre-written destinies? One, where you did follow your dreams.
The other, where you didn't.
Where you just drifted on through life.
Never really stretching yourself, never really going that extra mile.
Certainly, from my own experience, when I haven't followed my dreams I do feel rather out of sorts.
Not quite myself.
Something not quite right.
I get this uneasy feeling inside.
However, if I do follow my dreams, even if I've had the worst day ever, it still feels okay.
I feel okay.
I feel like I'm back on 'my path'.
So, unusually for me, I am going to keep this article short and sweet.
So, that's my question to you: Are you on yours? If you answered: "No" then I have a supplementary question: "What will it take to get back on it?" Over to you...