Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Get Your Ex Back - Keeping Up With Your Life

After a bad breakup, it's really easy to let all the turmoil sort of carry you away and make you lose track of all the things in your life that need to be maintained.
  This is more than just making sure the breakup doesn't ruin your life, but keeping these aspects of your life in working order will actually help with your efforts to win your ex back too! The main areas of your life to pay attention to and not let slip are pretty cut-and-dry...
you need to make sure you have everything covered on both a personal level and a social level.
  I know that sounds a little obscure, so allow me to explain.
On the personal level, you need to maintain yourself...
and that basically means don't forget about keeping yourself physically and mentally healthy and hygienic.
  On the physical side, it's fairly obvious what you need to do...
eat properly, get enough exercise, and just generally don't let the breakup slow you down and make you stop caring about yourself.
That other part, though...
you're probably wondering what the heck mental hygiene is.
  Odd way to phrase it I know, but that's how I classify a healthy attitude about yourself and your situation.
  It's really easy to take down to ourselves about ourselves during a time like this, where we feel about as valued as the cardboard tube in a roll of toilet paper...
but don't let yourself hate yourself.
  Keep a certain measure of positivity and optimism about how you're going to take care of your situation.
  Getting your ex back is going to be challenging enough without constantly second-guessing yourself.
And the last part is maintaining your social life.
  This is important because you can't be expected to be your only source of support.
  Family, friends, and other close ones will be there for you if you let them in, and staying socially active is very good for that optimism and positivity I was just encouraging...
and if by some chance your ex happens to see you out socializing and keeping strong, that's a big flag to them that you're a bit stronger than they may have thought.
The point of all this is, you have enough on your plate without adding to your troubles by doubting yourself or forcing yourself to go this alone.
  There are a lot of influences in your life that can support you, and you yourself are one of them.
  Don't let a breakup ruin you, and always maintain the aspects of your life that are easy to let slip...
they just may save you a lot of hurt.

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