Family & Relationships Conflict

Get My Ex Back - Does It Really Have To Be Over? (You Might Be Surprised)

The worst part about a break up when it involves someone that you still have deep feelings for, is the idea that it really is over.
Meaning, there are going to be no second chances.
You aren't going to be able to spend next weekend with her, and you are going to have to try and find a way to forget about her.
Sure, whatever led to the actual break up can be bad enough, but when you have to face the finality of thinking that your relationship is done with her for good...
that's usually when all of the emotions you've been trying to hold back come rushing forward.
Just because people break up all of the time, it does not make it any easier on you.
Those cliche remarks about how you will find someone else don't seem to do much to get rid of that very real image that your ex girlfriend is really your ex now.
While people may say that it is easy to get over someone, that's not always the real truth.
It can be hard, very hard.
Luckily, there just might be a bright spot on the horizon for you.
The truth is, for most relationships, it really does not have to be over.
Yes, right at the moment it is.
And yes, if you go about getting her back the wrong way, then it will be over for good.
That much is definitely true.
However, there are many situations where couples do get back together.
What makes the difference between the ones that DO and the ones that don't? Well, in most situations where the couples do end up getting back together, the feelings were still there, it had more to do with getting past little differences or learning how to forgive one another for something that seemed pretty big at the time, but when they looked back on it, it wasn't such a big deal after all.
Still, that does not mean that just realizing that whatever it was that broke you and your girlfriend up is enough to help you to get her back.
It may be a good start, but it's usually not enough to bring the two of you together again.
When you look a little deeper at situations where couples do get back together, a few things become clear.
They gave each other some space.
They did not go around calling each other names or trying to blame the other one for all of the problems in the relationship.
They owned up to their own part in the demise of the relationship.
And, probably most important...
they did not give up hope on the idea that things could be patched up again.
Does it really have to be over? Not if you don't fall into the trap of saying things to your ex girlfriend to try and get back at her.
Not if you learn to own up to your part in the break down, and you realize that there are things that you can do better the next time around.
And, not if you are open to the idea that maybe, with the right techniques and the right approach, it does not have to be the end of the road.

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