Christian marital counseling is unique in many ways, as the main focus is not only on the struggling couples, but including Christ into the dilemma, and turning toward him for guidance and direction.
This article will shed some light on what to expect when visiting a Christian counselor.
Christian Counseling-Why is it Different? Christian counseling is "Christ centered", meaning that many of the problems that surface will be resolved from a biblical aspect, mainly focused upon Christ and his teachings and beliefs.
This isn't to say the all known therapeutic methods are discarded, but rather those interventions are seasoned with a Christ perspective, and how his beliefs and interpretations could help in guiding couples toward restoration.
What Did Christ Believe-And How Will That Help My Marriage? Christ's main focus was love.
Time and time again he kept stating how important it was to love one another.
If a marriage isn't focused around "love", true love, then it really has no chance.
Christ was always quick to forgive, never displaying an inner hatred and/or vengeance toward anyone.
Forgiveness plays a major role in a relationship, and moving toward forgiveness plays a big role in successful therapeutic intervention.
Regardless how great the therapist is, or what "up to date" tactics he conveys, if one partner has this deep down hatred and unforgiving attitude toward the other, no progress will usually be observed.
Should the Marital Counselor Be a Christian? Most people feel more comfortable if the professional they are seeking advice from is usually well versed on the topic.
However, a good Christian counselor need not be an expert in the bible, where he or she feels the need to interject biblical verses for the couples.
In reality, it is best if the counselor is more of a compassionate individual, who can portray the love of Christ, and externalize Christ's beliefs with the couples, so they can move forward in a loving, kind and compassionate way, just as Christ did.
Christian marital counseling takes on a totally different meaning, unique from most therapeutic interventions.
With Christian marital counseling there are not only couples attempting to repair a relationship, but now the influence of Christ has been introduced, and hopefully the couples will be steered toward his beliefs of compassion, forgiveness and self reflection.
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