Is your guy done with you? Yet you are not done with him? All you really want is to really get him back? If this is the case and you want to know how to get your ex back now, you are going to have to find a way that will get him back rather then have book a trip for the nearest jungle.
The first thing you need to keep in mind is that just because you want him back does not actually mean that he wants you back.
If by chance this has been a rocky relationship with multiple break ups and make ups then it is possible that he wants to be done for good.
This might be hard to deal with, but if he does, there is nothing you can do about it.
You can't control that and will have to move on eventually.
The classier you do that, the better.
The second thing you need to do if you want to get you man back is take a look at your entire relationship.
Look at everything, not just the parts you liked.
Was it a good relationship? Or just an okay relationship? This is the beginning to figuring out exactly what went wrong.
Maybe you might need to turn to someone outside the relationship to look at the relationship and help you figure out what was right and what was wrong with the relationship.
If you have the kind of friends you can trust, this is a good way to go.
If not, pass on this plan.
The third thing you need to do is put together a plan.
I know this seems contrived, but acting just how you want when you want is no longer going to work for you.
You need to actually schedule out how you are going to do this.
Get control of your thoughts and your emotions.
Stop calling and contacting your ex.
No more begging and no more trying to force him to have anything to do with you.
That is done.
What you are going to do is take time to think about yourself and fix the things about you that need to be fixed.
You are going to join a gym and you are going to make you feel good about you.
Then you are going to sit down and analyze if you really want this relationship.
Now that you feel good about you, are you sure this is something you want? If it is, then the only way you are going to get him is to ignore him.
This is going to be difficult.
It is the key though, to getting your ex back.
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