- 1). Park your car in a safe place and make sure the temperature is not below 40-degrees Fahrenheit. Locate all the scratches you need to touch up on your car so you can work on all of them throughout this process.
- 2). Wash the scratches and immediate surrounding area with soap and water, then apply wax and grease remover. Cover the area around the scratch with automotive masking tape. If the scratch is showing the bare surface of the metal or plastic area you are treating, go to Step 3. If otherwise, go to Step 4.
- 3). Spray the scratch with thin coats of primer and let it dry according to the instructions of the product manufacturer. Drying time may vary depending on ambient temperature. Sand the primer with 220-grit sandpaper and finish with 600-grit wet and dry sandpaper.
- 4). Clean the primed area of dust before painting. Press the tip of the paint pen on a clean, hard surface to start the paint flowing. Clean the excess of paint from the tip using a clean rag; then apply three or four thin coats to the scratched area. Let the paint dry completely, following the product manufacturer's recommendation.
- 5). Spray the painted area with automotive clear coat. Apply several thin coats and let it dry following the product manufacturer's recommendations. Sand the area using 1000-grit sandpaper and water. Work the painted area to a smooth finish.
- 6). Thoroughly clean the area of dust. Apply rubbing compound to the painted area to give it a shine.
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