Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Things to Know About Filing Your Injury Claims

You may have a personal injury claim if you were involved in an automobile accident, if you were injured at work, or if you were injured on commercial or personal property by a fall or other form of injury. As long as you can prove negligence on behalf of the offending party, you have a case. Some people choose to negotiate with insurance companies themselves, but it is highly recommended that you seek the help of an experienced personal injury attorney.

You can usually determine whether or not you have a viable claim by seeking free consultations with lawyers that handle personal injury cases. Gather the opinion of several attorneys and see if the majority of them feel like you have a reasonable claim. Once you've determined that you do have a reasonable claim, then you need to select which attorney you are going to use. If you have friends or family that have been involved in a personal injury they may have an attorney that worked hard for them that they would be glad to recommend. Otherwise, I recommend finding out what complaints have been made against an attorney, and as long as there aren't too many or there aren't wildly ridiculous ones, just pick an injury attorney from the library.

So you have a claim, and an attorney. Hopefully you selected a contingency attorney (otherwise known as a no win no fee attorney). This means you won't owe your lawyer anything unless the injury claim is won. This way you won't have to come up with a large sum of money for a retainer, which could be especially hard if your injury has kept you from working. One of the other things to keep in mind: contingency attorneys try to only take cases that they know they can win, because otherwise they don't get paid.

Your attorney will need any documentation you have regarding your injury. This can include, but is not limited to, medical records, recordings, pictures and more. Gather all of these records for you attorney, but make sure you keep copies of everything for yourself. You may end up switching attorneys during the case and if you do so, the new attorney will need all of this same documentation to give to the new attorney.

Your attorney may refer you for further evaluation with a different doctor, and all of the dates for those appointments will be coordinated through your lawyer's office. You may have an appointment for a disability rating depending on the type and severity of the injury you have sustained. The entire process can take quite a bit of time and generally involves many different appointments. The insurance company may also request an evaluation by a doctor of their choice.

Once you have been awarded your settlement the insurance company will write a cheque to your attorney within 20 days. At this point your personal injury claim is complete and you have been compensated for an injury which was no fault of your own.

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