Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Increase File Handles

    Increasing the Number of File Handles on Windows

    • 1). Click the "Start" button in your taskbar, then select "Programs," then "Accessories" and open the "Notepad" application. (You may alternatively use another plain text editor if you prefer.)

    • 2). Open the "File" menu and select "Open..."

    • 3). Enter "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG.NT" in the "File name" field and click "OK."

    • 4). The CONFIG.NT file may already have content, most of which will be documentation describing the options that can be set in the file. Scroll down until you find the line that reads "files=40" (this number may differ on your system). Replace 40 with a higher number such as 100 or 200. If this line does not exist, add one that reads "files=N", where N is the number of file handles that you want each application to use.

    • 5). Save the file by pressing "Ctrl+S" and then close Notepad.

    • 6). Re-run the application that was failing due to a lack of available file handles. If errors continue to occur, you can repeat these steps again to further increase the number of available file handles.

    Increasing the Number of File Handles on Linux

    • 1). Open a shell or terminal window.

    • 2). Open the /etc/sysctl.conf file in your preferred text editor running as super-user. For the purposes of this example we will use the "nano" text editor, so type the following command and press "Enter:"

      sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf

      Type in your user account password if prompted.

    • 3). Look for a line in the file that reads "fs.file-max = N", where N is a number. If the line exists, then replace that number with a larger one, otherwise add that line at the bottom of the file and replace N with a number such as 16384 or 32768. This number represents the total number of file handles that can be used by all applications running at a particular time on your system, so it should be large to prevent system failures.

    • 4). Save the file by pressing "Ctrl+O" and exit by pressing "Ctrl+X" (or by issuing the appropriate commands if using a different text editor).

    • 5). To force Linux to apply the new settings, run the following command:

      sudo sysctl -p

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