Let's face it...
going through a break us sucks.
There's no easy way around it.
It is very damaging emotionally and sometimes physically as well.
But even through all of this pain, most people still people still want to know how to get your ex back.
In most cases, it's quite possible to get your ex back especially if the relationship you were in wasn't a total nightmare.
Now, I do not recommend you trying to get your ex back if there was any abuse in the relationship (physical or emotional), or any type of violence.
Those relationships are very dangerous and if you were subjected to any of that type of behavior in the relationship, consider the breakup a blessing and an opportunity to move on.
So, if you are going through a break up (or have recently gone through one) and you strongly feel that you still belong together and you are desperate to get your ex back, then you are going to need some sound advice and a little guidance to improve your chances of getting your ex back.
This article is a bit long, but I am going to cover 4 steps on how to get your ex back in complete detail.
How To Get Your Ex Back In 4 Steps - Steps 1 & 2 Step #1 - The first step you need to take when try to get your ex back is to apologize.
This isn't going to fix everything right away, but it will start the process off in the right direction.
It's going to be easy to think that everything was your fault but it's important to know that it's not (unless you cheated).
Just apologize for the things that you think you were responsible for, not everything.
There are two people in a relationship and since it takes two people to have a healthy relationship, it usually takes two people to end a relationship.
But it's not just about apologizing to your ex, it's also important how you apologize.
When saying sorry to your ex, your ex may take that as an opportunity to put more blame on you and start an argument.
Whatever you do, you don't want this to lead to another fight.
I wanted to make this clear to you because it can happen, where your ex will use your apology to bait you into another fight.
So, before you take the first step of saying sorry, try to take some time to calm your emotions, get your head on straight and be in a place or serenity.
This will help you stay calm and not get defensive in the event your ex does try to bring something else up or bait you into another argument.
Step #2 - Try to set up a time where the two of you can get together and sit down and talk about the break up (if of course your ex is willing).
Keep in mind that everything we are doing is to get your ex back, so if for any reason he or she is not willing to do this, then let this part go and move on to step 3.
If you pester your ex and keep begging them to do this.
This will just push them further away because you will seem too desperate and needy.
Now, if they do agree to get together and sit down with you, remember what I said in step 1 about controlling your emotions.
Once they agree, let them know that the purpose of doing this talk about the issue objectively, not to start fighting or pointing blame at one another.
This won't be easy, but just try to keep a calm mind and only discuss the issues that caused the break up, without throwing blame at each other.
When trying to get your ex back it's important to be patient and focus on doing things the right way.
Now that we have covered the first two steps, lets go ahead and move on to steps three and four...
How To Get Your Ex Back In 4 Steps - Steps 3 & 4 Step #3 - This step may counter-productive when trying to get your ex back, but it is important that you give your ex some space and some time away from you.
This is going to be especially hard when you so desperately want them back, but it's a vital step in this process.
This is crucial because immediately following a break up, both parties emotions are running high and all over the place.
This is not a good time to try and get your ex back.
You both need a little time away from each other before trying to get back together.
This time apart will allow you (and your ex) to cool down, get control of your emotions, get your head on straight, and give your ex a chance to think about how much they miss you.
If you are constantly trying to get in touch with them, they won't have time to calm down and think about things, or have time to miss you.
Step #4 - Be strong, be confident, and show your ex that you care about yourself and that you aren't going to let this breakup control your life.
The last thing you want is for your ex to see you as someone who is desperate or clingy and has no confidence.
As hard as it may be, get out and socialize! Hang out with your friends, go shopping, to go the movies, do whatever.
Just get out there and get on with your life.
If you just mope around the house in sweats all day getting teary eyed and constantly checking your phone for a missed call or text message, you are going to really hurt your chances of trying to get your ex back.
In fact, it's actually better if you don't answer the phone when your ex calls.
This will get them thinking about what you are doing.
If they call, hit silence on your phone and let your voice mail pick it up.
Now, you want to make sure you wait until the next day to call them back.
And when you do, make sure you casually let them know that you busy yesterday when they called and you didn't have time to call back.
When this happens, you are in good shape and your chances of getting your ex back are looking pretty good.
First, they are going to probably be surprised to know that you are out and about, not sitting around acting all depressed.
Secondly, (Not to get you too excited), but at this point there is a fairly good chance that your ex may start trying to get you back! After a breakup, learning how to get your ex back is not something that is going to happen overnight, or be an easy thing to do, but it can be done.
I sincerely hope the 4 steps we covered today will guide you in the right direction towards getting your ex back.
I know you are probably hurting right now as you are going through a rough time so be sure to take your time going through these steps.
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