Your car is a complicated machine and if you're like most people you rely heavily on your car to get around.
That's why maintaining your car can help ensure your life isn't interrupted by any unexpected down time or costly break downs.
It's also the reason why you need to fully understand what is normal and what needs immediate mechanical care when it comes to your car.
Your car's brakes fall into this category and can drivers who overlook the warning signs of bad brakes often compound their car's mechanical problems and ultimately risk their own safety to continue driving.
When it comes time to have a brake repair job it can be as simple as replacing your brake pads or shoes or as complex as replacing a master cylinder.
There are a lot of different warning signs that your brakes are going bad and depending on what symptoms your car shows, the actual repair job needed will vary.
For example a car that vibrates when the brakes are applied can be an indicator of several things.
Vibrating may be caused by worn shoes or warped rotors.
Other things that can cause your car to vibrate when you brake include a failing master cylinder, failing anti skid braking mechanisms or even malfunctioning calipers.
Another warning of a potentially dangerous condition can be found with your brake pedal that fails to grab when applied.
Brakes that go all the way to the floor without being effective can indicate air in your brake line.
This can happen if the master cylinder was improperly drained and refilled with brake fluid without bleeding the brakes.
This can be corrected by draining the brake fluid and bleeding the brakes properly before refilling with brake fluid.
This is a problem that should be addressed immediately since there is no way to predict when the next potentially dangerous air bubble will prevent your brakes from being effective when needed.
Leaking brake fluid can also be a source of your problems and can usually be fairly easy to spot.
Brake fluid is a clear, oily substance that will generally pool up around your tires and can be found leaking from your wheel cylinder.
If fluid is leaking from the master cylinder you will need to have mechanic asses why the leakage is occurring and correct the problem.
Without fluid, your master cylinder will fail and so will your stopping power.
Finally the most obvious warning sign of trouble for most drivers that their brakes are bad- the high pitch squeal.
That loud squealing sound your brakes make when you apply them can be a final indicator that your pads are worn well below the three fourth mark.
Once your pads are worn this thin, a device in your brake will come in contact with the rotor and make this warning squeal.
By the time you are hearing this; your car is giving you the final call that your brakes are faulty and need to be replaced.
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