Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

How to Look After Your Car This Winter

While many of us dream of a white Christmas, cold temperatures coupled with icy roads and snow can wreak havoc on your car.
With winter being a hard time for even the most experienced drivers as low visibility and extreme icy conditions make a simple car journey a nightmare.
With the rates of brake downs and accidents shooting up over the festive season, what can you do to make sure car is safe to drive? As we creep through November, you should start to prepare yourself and your car for the sub-zero conditions that have become the norm for a British winter.
You need to be confident that your car is running safely and efficiently as possible before the onset of snow.
Many garages offer a winter service which can really help you out and also saves you doing everything on your own, but there are some key things you can do to put your mind at ease.
  • You should always check your oil, brake fluid and water levels as these are key elements in the smooth running of your car.
  • Tyre pressure and tread should be checked as secure tyres are essential on winter icy roads.
  • Be sure to add anti-freeze to your radiator and your windscreen washer fluid so that any slush and dirt thrown up from the road won't impair your vision.
  • Also, make sure your car battery is charged as winter puts a much greater strain on the battery than any other time of year, as the dark and cold days require your lights and heater on more often.
Another area to keep an eye on is your brakes.
Car brakes are essential, especially when driving in winter as you are more likely to skid so good brakes are important to avoid accidents.
With poor visibility also a problem, keeping a good distance from the car in front will also help you when braking in icy conditions.
Checking the ware of your brakes at least twice a year could help save you money and also prevent severe accidents, so getting yourself into the habit of visually inspecting your brake discs and pads could prove invaluable.
You don't need to be a mechanic; you can usually peek through the gaps in your wheels and see the brake pads so just lookat the surface of the discs.
Wear lines or slight scoring is normal, but a shiny uniform surface from the outer edge to the inner core is a good indicator of normal, acceptable wear.
Also look for rust, listen for squeaks and, if in doubt, take the car to a garage.
If they are any thinner than 2.
5mm, it's time for new ones.
Damaged or 'warped' discs can cause excessive vibration and a lot of noise when driving, so try to avoid any repeated and sudden heavy braking during driving.
You can also make sure your brakes are safe when driving, by planning when to stop well in advance.
Apply the brakes gently and slowly add pressure rather than fast sudden braking.
If your car is equipped with anti-lock brakes, the best thing you can do to stop the car quickly is to apply firm constant pressure to the brake pedal.
If your car has an ABS system this will maintain traction, and you will be able to steer the car during braking.
If your car doesn't have anti-lock brakes and the wheels do lock, release the brake and re-apply gently.
Usually, repeatedly tapping the brakes gently has good results.
So, by keeping your car in check and learning to look after your brakes, driving this winter will be a much easier and safer time, leaving you free to worry about what Christmas presents to get this year!

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