Family & Relationships Conflict

The Devastation After a Break Up

One of the hardest things I have ever lived through is a break up of a relationship that was very important to me.
This was many years ago but when I think back on it I can still remember the depression and devastation I felt.
You see at the time I was truly in love with this guy.
I thought the relationship was going along fine.
I did not realize that there were any problems at all.
When Steve told me that he was going out with his friends I never suspected a thing.
Steve and I both spent time with our friends regularly so why suspecting anything just never occurred to me.
But then I ran into Frank on a night that Steve had said he was going out with his friends.
Frank and Steve were usually together so I asked Frank why he was not with the other guys that night.
Frank was obviously puzzled.
Although he did not blatantly lie for Steve he did say that he had simply decided to do other things on this particular night.
Because this was a strange turn of events I the next day I asked Steve what was going on; I wanted to know if he and Frank had had a disagreement about something.
That was all it took for Steve to tell me what was going on; it was more information than I wanted to hear.
Steve told me that he had met someone else recently and had been spending time with her.
I felt so betrayed! I was simply devastated and I did not know what to do; all I knew was that I wanted as far away from Steve as possible.
I went through what seems like days of crying and being depressed.
I actually lost some weight.
I went to bed thinking about my sadness and woke up to face yet another day of being without Steve.
But then something magical happened.
A friend of mine told me to take a look in the mirror.
She wanted me to acknowledge that I had let myself go.
Not only had I lost weight but I had stopped being concerned about my hair or my appearance in general.
This was a wake up call she said.
My friend told me to take care of me and then I could worry about other things.
I took her advice and then it seems that as if by magic I was able to see things more clearly.
Surprisingly Steve was soon calling me asking for forgiveness.
This story has a happy ending; Steve and I got back together but only for a short time; I broke up with him soon after the make up.
I think the break up stirred something inside me that I never knew was there before.
I will never forget my friend that taught me to look at myself and then to move forward.
She had said that no one can love us if we do not love ourselves first! She was so right! And that come back from total devastation not only led to the make up between Steve and me but also to a new internal strength that I have held onto for all these years.
Break ups are hard and make ups can be wonderful but if you do not learn to rely on your own inner strength it is unlikely that you will find true success and happiness with yourself.

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