- Learn how to paint your car yourself.yellow car, a honda japanese sport car model image by alma_sacra from Fotolia.com
The car painting method you should use will depend on the purpose of the paint application. There are several car painting tips that are most suited for painting particular areas of the car while other techniques exist to paint the entire vehicle in order to achieve a professional finish. Even an amateur can paint a car successfully as long as you have the right tools and equipment, such as automotive paint and a spray paint gun. - When painting to cover huge scratches and dings, achieving the exact paint match is the biggest challenge. It isn't practical to repaint your entire vehicle when you can obtain a perfect paint match (or just to conceal the slight color mismatch) through painting portions of your car. For example, if a dent or scratch is covering the passenger door, simply sand the scratch out using an orbital sander, sanding the entire door including its edges. When done, apply tape on the doors, prime them, and then using an 800-grit sandpaper and water, wet-sand the door. Apply your final coat using a spray gun.
- A good paint job should cover the entire car. For best results, first sand the top coat down to its primer. You do not need to remove the primer. However loosening it up a bit by manually sanding it will allow the paint to adhere to the surface better. This will take a lot of time but will ensure a better end product. After sanding, clean off any dirt or grease using a grease remover. Let it dry. When done, tape off your car's windows and then trim them using masking tape, followed by a covering of plastic. You can then begin painting on the primer followed by wet-sanding it using a high-grit sandpaper and water. When done, clean your primer with additional grease remover and then apply your finishing coat for a nice shine.
- You can also use a paint tent to paint your car. You can do this by setting up a huge plastic tent that your car can fit into. The tent will prevent and fumes and spray paint from accumulating in the surroundings of your car. Set up the tent outdoors. Attach the plastic sheets to the sides and apply some weights to hold down the sides. Cover your car or certain portions of it with plastic to make sure that only the exposed areas will be covered with paint.
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