Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

How to Install Front Wheel Bearings on a 1968 Chevy Truck

    • 1). Break the lug nuts loose on the front wheel. Place the floor jack under the front lower control arm and raise the vehicle up until the tire is off the ground. Place the jack stands under the truck.

    • 2). Remove the lug nuts and then the wheel and put them aside.

    • 3). Remove the bolts securing the brake caliper to the mount. Remove the brake pads and the bolt securing the caliper mount to the hub. Remove the mount.

    • 4). Remove the dust cap from the rotor. Remove the cotter pin and the castle nut cap. Hold the rotor and remove the castle nut and washer from the rotor. Slide the rotor off, being careful not to scar the spindle.

    • 5). Place the rotor front side down on a clean work surface. Remove the inner bearing seal using the seal puller by prying the seal out of the rotor. Remove the inner bearing.

    • 6). Place the new bearing in the grease packing tool and press the lid down, pushing grease through the bearing. Place the bearing in the rotor. Install the new bearing seal by placing the seal on the rotor and using a piece of board to press the seal evenly into the rotor until the seal is flush against the rotor.

    • 7). Place the outer bearing into the grease packing tool and repeat the packing procedure.

    • 8). Hold the rotor evenly and install it on the spindle. Slide the outer bearing onto the spindle and push the bearing into the rotor. Reinstall the castle nut and washer. Once the castle nut hits the outer bearing, wiggle the rotor to make sure the bearing is seated flush into the rotor. Do not overtighten the castle nut. Turn it until it is snug.

    • 9). Install the castle nut cap and cotter pin. Fold the ends of the cotter pin over the spindle. Reinstall the dust cap, caliper mount, brake pads and brake caliper. Secure them in place.

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      Reinstall the wheel and lug nuts, making sure they are secure.

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      Remove the jack stands and lower the truck all the way down. Check the lug nuts to make sure they are tight.

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