Some call the United States of America the great paper tiger? Yet from where I sit I see a Titanium Tiger and soon to be a Carbon Nano-Tube Constructed Cat.
You cannot be serious if you run around calling the Greatest Nation in the History of Mankind a Paper Tiger, please; Paper huh? Well excuse me for calling up my family ancestry, but who do you think makes up this country? Look what we have built here.
Do you really think we are weak? Please.
Not only are Americans not weak, we are a strong, benevolent nation, but lets not mistake our generosity the world for as a sign of weakness.
You see you if nations misjudge the US and push her too far you will wake up the silent majority, with the will more than the grand sum total of all the rest of the peoples on Earth.
Don't do it, do not push America.
We will go out of our way to do the right thing.
But, god help any group who thinks they can come and cause harm or pain to the American People.
Don't do it, please to not make Americans take a hard line.
Don't go there, I am begging you, do not make us do something that we do not want to do.
We would rather not go there, don't cross that line.
Please don't make us swing that stick, we would rather speak softly, it really is much better for all concerned.
Please I beg all to not push the US, don't do it.
We do not need a history re-run.
Don't make us.
Don't push it.
Seeker of truth, let the truth be known, tell your friends and don't go there, do not push the US.
What are you doing? You are echoing the negative sentiment, which is pushing the World towards war.
Don't do it.
You do not have to bow down to the Titanium Tiger, but for god sakes do not try to piss it off or attack this late model robotic titanium tiger surrounded by the greatest military in the World in the modern net-centric battlespace; don't go there, okay? Okay, now smile and be on your way.