Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

Front Door Makeover Ideas


    • Paint the front door a new color.Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images

      A fresh coat of paint can give a door a whole new look. The endless paint colors available mean that you have a vast selection to choose from. Try a bold black, creamy beige, bright red, pale yellow or whatever strikes your fancy. You could paint a picture on the door, such as a flower, animal or musical instrument, or even a mural. Be sure the color or paint technique complements the home or building’s other exterior colors.


    • Replace a plain door with one that has panels and windows.Michael Blann/Photodisc/Getty Images

      If you have the budget, replacing the front door entirely is the most dramatic way to make it over. For maximum impact, select a door that looks nothing like the one it is replacing. If you had a plain door, swap it out for an ornate art deco one. Replace a windowless door with a new one that has a glass panel or two. If you had a boring metal door, try a six-paneled wooden Georgian door.


    • Frost a design onto the front door glass.Digital Vision./Photodisc/Getty Images

      Get hands-on and try a craft technique to make over the door. Nail on brightly painted pieces of wood in a pattern. Create a mosaic by gluing on items that can stand up to the elements: beads, pennies, arrowheads or broken pieces of pottery or tile. If the door has glass panels, use a kit to frost the glass — the entire panel, or areas here and there. If the door is wooden, carve a design into it; if it’s metal, etch a design into it.


    • Update the door with new locks and house numbers.Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images

      Replacing or improving elements of or areas around the front door is another good way to make it over. Hang a pretty wreath on the door; switch it out to celebrate every holiday. Install more modern, brighter front porch lights and hang a wind chime. Set matching topiaries on either side of the door or set a planter beside the door and fill with flowers. Install new door locks and handles and a fancy door knocker. Buy a nice-looking doormat and nail trend house numbers above the door.

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