Shortly after a break up, you are surrounded with a whirlwind of advice on how to get your ex back.
Your friends and family become relationship gurus overnight, magazine covers scream with claims that doing this and that will win them back for good.
While it is, of course, good to have as much information at your disposal as possible, when it comes to getting your ex back, the only advice you want is the advice that works.
Look no further than the No Contact Rule.
This is almost a surefire way to get your ex back, and you don't lose any self-esteem, identity, or pride in the process.
The No Contact rule is a simple and effective tool that should be implemented as soon as the break up occurs.
This will allow you to leave the relationship with grace and pride.
This means ABSOLUTELY no contact.
As soon as you part ways, your ex will have no way to connect with you.
But rather than sitting around wallowing in your own misery - see the break up as their loss! You know how great you are and look at what they are missing out on! It won't take long - once you have cut off all contact - for your ex to realize this too.
Of course, it is very difficult to fight the urge to pick up the phone and get in contact with your ex soon after the break up - you miss them, and you want to get your ex back.
But you must NOT do this.
You cannot expect to show someone what they are missing if you do not give them the chance to miss you.
You can use this rule to get your ex back without resorting to begging and other tactics that, frankly, do not work.
This rule allows you both to have time to blow of the steam left from the break up and remember the wonderful times you shared together.
Before long, your distance will have driven him or her wild and they will be desperate for another shot with you.
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