Family & Relationships Conflict

My Ex is Hanging Out With Another Man! What Do I Do? Here is How to Pull Them Back For Good

Your ex is gone.
Not only that, they're with someone else now, and it hurts.
The thought of her in the arms of someone else, going to the same places and doing the same things.
You want nothing more than to get them back, to rekindle the flame that use to shine so brightly.
We've all been there, and here are a few things you can do to try to win them back, even if they are with someone else.
Let THEM compare You can't tell them to compare, or start telling them about all the things you use to do for them and now the new person in their life doesn't.
All that will do is drive them further away.
Instead, do things to remind them that you're still there, you're still the same person, and you still care.
They'll come around.
Date her friend Now this one is tricky, because it can go badly for you if done incorrectly.
Find one of their closest friends and open up to them.
Share with them how you feel, and let start to spend more time with them.
If the friend sees you have a good heart and your intentions are good, they'll go to your ex and put in good word for you.
Or, if done incorrectly, could spell disaster, so be careful.
Make them jealous Show up in places you know they'll be, but have someone new on your arm.
Don't make it obvious that you're there just to make them jealous, but make it look real enough to let them know you've given someone else your attention.
The thought of you not thinking about them will drive them crazy, and they'll do anything to get it back, even leave the person they're with.
Dirty pool This is another tricky one, because this one could go badly.
But if you have some dirt on this guy, if you know he's up to no good and you can prove it, bring it to her attention.
The catch is, you have to be able to prove it.
If you're lying, she'll find out, and you will lose her forever.
Cry Sounds silly, but it goes a long way.
Women love to see a man express their feelings for them, to open up and not keep everything inside.
Crying is the perfect example of that.
If you shed a few, she'll see that you're serious, and make her think twice about the guy she's with now.
Confess If the sneaky approach didn't work out for you, maybe you try just being honest.
Go to her, tell her how you feel.
Confess to her that there were mistakes made on both ends and you're willing to work through them.
Just tell her the truth and hope for the best.
Ain't too proud That's right, guys.
Go to her on your hands and knees and tell her if she takes you back things will be different.
Sometimes a woman just wants to know that you care.
Nothing shows how much you care like showing them you're willing to embarrass yourself to get her back.

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