Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

How to Inspect Tires on a Dodge Caravan

    • 1). Verify your tires aren't wearing in odd places. Wear on the edges of the tires may indicate under inflation while wear in the middle may indicate over inflation. If you notice odd bulges or rough edges, the tires may need replacement and realignment. Make sure you rotate the tires if you notice wear in the same spots on all the tires. In general, tires need rotating every 6,000 to 8000 miles.

    • 2). Inspect the tread. Look at your tires and check for tire wear bars-bars in the tires across the treads. If you see these, the tire needs replacing. You can also take a penny and insert it into the tire groove with Lincoln's head upside-down. If you see all of Lincoln's head, the tire's too worn and needs replacing. Make sure you check the tread in all four tires--not just one.

    • 3). Check your tires' pressure (PSI) with a tire pressure gauge when it's cold outside and you haven't been using the car. Insert the gauge into the nozzle on the side of the tire called the tire's valve stem. Press the gauge down until you don't hear a hiss of air. Note the reading on the tire pressure gauge. Look for a sticker on the driver's side door that lets you know what the maximum tire pressure should be for your tires. Newer Dodge Caravan models will automatically check the tire pressure (called the TPM system) and will let you know with an indicator on your dash if there's a problem with your tire pressure.

    • 4). Add or subtract air to your tires if your PSI indicates it. Once you add or subtract air, double check the PSI again. Adding air to a tire is easy with a simple air pump available at auto repair shops or at gas stations. You can subtract air from tires by pressing on the metal stem in the center of the valve with a pen tip.

    • 5). Look at the tires for embedded objects such as nails. You should also check for other damage, cracking or odd bulges in the tires and replace the tires as needed.

    • 6). Replace any tires with the correct sizes in your Dodge Caravan if the tires need replacing. There's a wide range of tire sizes available for the Dodge Caravan depending on the make and year. There are even optional tire sizes, depending on the year of your minivan. Go to Goodyear Tires (see Resources) to search for the correct size tires or look in your owner's manual.

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