Family & Relationships Conflict

Best Advice on Getting Your Boyfriend Back - How to Get Him Back

Chances are that if you've been dumped recently you're interested in finding the best advice on getting your boyfriend back.
There's plenty of good advice floating around out there but if you want the best advice you're going to have turn to a few tried and true methods that go a little bit against the grain.
Are you prepared to do that? Good, then you can keep reading.
It's tough getting dumped.
Your thoughts will generally quickly turn from "I love him," to "I want to rip his head off," and then to "I want him back," in three blinks of the eye.
You're grinning as you read this because you've just gone through that haven't you? Well rest assured that you aren't alone.
More importantly, take comfort in the fact that you will get through this and can get your boyfriend back.
All you need to do is remember your role in the effort and follow this expert advice on getting your boyfriend back.
1) Go to his friends and family for support.
You'll find that they are loyal to him and might be inclined to give you the cold shoulder to some degree.
This will all depend on how much you've hurt him in the past and how much they know about the hurt you've caused.
The family and friends though if you can get them to rally to your cause can be your greatest allies in holding sway over him and getting him to give you a second chance.
2) Show him your strength.
One thing he's probably seen little of (because women do like to play the role of the damsel in distress) is a show of your strength.
Men like to play the role of the hero sometimes but they also like to feel as though you'll be able to hold things down without them.
Show him how strong you are.
Don't beg, don't plead, don't break down and start making bargains.
You don't have to be a robot but you want to avoid the appearance of being weak in his eyes if at all possible.
He'll admire you more for the show of strength and you'll respect yourself a little more as well.
3) Be positive.
I know it's incredibly difficult to have a single solitary positive thought at the moment.
No one understands more than I do how difficult this is.
No one said the best advice on getting your boyfriend back was going to be easy but there are reasons it's the best: because it's so effective.
Your positive attitude in a time of personal pain will appeal to him like few other things can.
He'll notice and he'll love you all the more for it.

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