They say women are difficult to understand, and it's true.
It's even more difficult to convince her to go back to you after a break up.
Women, after break-ups, become somewhat indignant and become compulsive in saying that they no longer wish to see the guy they broke up with forever.
Don't get discouraged, though.
To get her back is just a matter of the right things to do and say at the right time.
Get hold of your emotions.
No amount of tears can assure you that she will be back in your arms.
Though this tactic sometimes works, some girls find this too over the top over-the-top and can push them away from you forever.
Instead, be a man.
Face the current situation and accept that the break up has already happened.
The next best thing you can do is to know, directly from her, why she broke up with you.
More often than not, women have indeed valid reasons for breaking up with men.
Know what her reason is and if it is your fault, apologize.
Let her know that you own up to your mistakes and let her know that you are sorry you did those.
Go ahead and socialize.
If you feel like you've been cut off from the rest of the world when you were with her because all you wanted to do was spend time with her and now you realize how much you've missed, take this opportunity to reconnect.
Coming from a break-up does not oblige you to sulk until you and her gets back together or until you have totally moved on.
Go out with your friends, have fun with them and for a moment release yourself from all the pain and hurt coming from your break up.
It's okay to date another girl if you want to.
Sometimes a little jealousy from her will work to your advantage.
Be careful though and make sure you are not sending her the signal that you have totally moved on and are ready for another relationship.
If you overdo this she might think you're no longer interested in winning her back or mending your relationship with her.
Give your ex the chance to think it through.
As what has been said earlier, she has reasons why she broke up with her.
Let her go over those reasons one more time and see if she thinks what caused your break up could be fixed or prevented.
Do not pressure her into making a decision yet.
Just let her think it through.
No chasing, no stalking, no bombarding her with emails and text messages and no late night phone calls.
Just let her spend some time alone.
Do not make her feel harassed, nobody wants that.
Let her make the decision to come back to you on her own free will.
It just might be easier than you think to get her back! Make an effort to show her you still care.
This means you have to be there for her when she needs you, even if you are no longer a couple.
Avoid throwing yourself at her though.
She might get irritated and just avoid you completely if you do.
Let her know you want her back by telling her how you really feel, and why you really want her back.
Nothing works better than pure honesty.
Remember that the key here is to let her know you want her back but do not oblige her to want the same thing.
Whatever decision she comes up with, be it to give your relationship another chance or to go separate ways, be a man and respect that.