Here is just one tip to get rid of pimples fast.
This works when you have just a few pimples on your face and you really want to get rid of it with minimum fuss and less time.
It is often said that when you have pimples, you should not look to squeeze the pimples.
But how many of us follow this advice? How often do you just want to go ahead and squeeze those devils out so that you can just get along with more important things in life? The problem here is the way you do it.
There is a right way to do it and there is a wrong way to do it.
Do it the right way, you can go ahead with your business as usual without having anything to worry about later.
Do it the wrong way, you run the risk of spreading the infection to other parts of the skin, which makes matters worse for you.
So let us take a look at the right way of squeezing pimples.
First wash your hands thoroughly.
Since you are popping the pimple, you want to avoid any kind of infection being spread to your hands or nails.
Clean the affected portion of the skin with antibacterial cleanser.
This reduces the risk of bacteria entering into the open pimple once you squeeze it and also prepares the skin for popping.
Gently rub on the pimple for a minute or two.
Wear disposable gloves to ensure that the pus doesn't contaminate your hands.
Pull the skin apart- Here is where most people go wrong.
They try to press their fingers together to squeeze the pus and in the process apply too much force that leads to the squirting of the pus and sometimes when too much pressure is applied, blood may ooze out.
When blood comes out, you can be pretty sure that you have done a clumsy job of popping the pimple.
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