You need to be strong to follow these tips that have helped thousands of couples get back together. Remember, what you have tried so far has not worked. Maybe it is time to put faith in those who have had successes and try something new.
- Let your ex-boyfriend know that you agree with the break up. If you have been trying to get back together or have been acting miserable about the break up, this will catch him off-guard. From the moment you let him know that you feel you should break up and you are happy about it, he will wonder what made you change your mind. The way he sees you will have begun to change. You will have regained some power.
- Once you have let him know that you agree with the break up, you do not need to make contact with him. You need to stop all contact. Do not email, call or text him for any reason. This will be very hard to do. Just keep in mind that you are working an effective system that will have him eating out of your hand before long.
- When he tries to contact you, do not answer. No matter how tempting it is to give in and fall right back into your same old roles, don't do it! You are finally giving him a chance to miss you. He will not be able to get you off of his mind. He will wonder what has you so occupied that you can not answer his calls.
- Keep yourself busy doing positive things. Start a walking or a running program. Change your hair. Reorganize closets. Do whatever it takes to stay busy in a positive way.
Don't worry, this phase of the program does not go on forever. Soon, you will be able to contact him. When he starts calling constantly, trying to get your attention, you will know the answer to the question "does my ex-boyfriend miss me?".