Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

How to Patch a Hole in a Tire in a Chevy Corvette

    • 1). Drive the car to a flat location, preferably the driveway. Since the jacking the car up requires more equipment that you probably have roadside, you can just patch the tire while it's on the Corvette until you get it to a shop or your home. Slowly roll the car until you see the hole or cause of the leak and position the wheel so the area is accessible.

    • 2). Locate the hole in the tire of the Corvette and pull out the foreign object if it's still lodged in the tire. Mark the area if you have something along. Get out the plug kit and your mini air compressor from the trunk of the car. If you want to patch the tire of a Corvette roadside, you should carry these items.

    • 3). Load the tarry worm onto the needle provided in the plug kit and set it to the side. Put the worm through the eye and center it.

    • 4). Clean away any debris from the area around the hole. Remove the offending item if you spot it in the tire just before you plug it. Ream the area out with the rasp in the kit.

    • 5). Insert the needle into the hole. You may need to push a little. Pull the needle straight out and leave the tarry worm in the hole. Trim away any excess that protrodes beyond the tread.

    • 6). Remove the tire plug kit and mini air compressor from your trunk. Plug it into your lighter and fill the tire to the appropriate level.

    • 7). Check to see if the tire holds pressure and be on your way. The plug needs to be run after you put it in to melt into the tire. When you patch a hole in a Corvette tire and you don't want to lift the frame with a jack along the road. This is one alternative method.

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