Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Great Sex - How To Totally Blow Any Woman"s Mind In The Bedroom And Sexually Satisfy Her

As a man, I'm going to assume that you want to give your woman great sex.
I mean seriously...
if there's one thing most men have in common, it's that we like to please our women in the bedroom.
And the truth is that there are many ways we can become better lovers and give our women more sexual satisfaction.
We can learn new sexual techniques, try new positions, make the sex really naughty...
the things we can do in the bedroom to improve our love-making sessions are endless.
However, if you want to give your woman truly great sex and totally blow her mind each and every time you take her to bed -- there's really only one thing you have to do.
Can you guess what it is? You got it...
You have to give her orgasms.
And many men don't give their women orgasms (approximately 30% of women have never had an orgasm).
Most men give their women clitoral orgasms.
BUT here's the thing...
Women are capable of experiencing much more than clitoral orgasms.
They can also have vaginal, squirting and anal orgasms.
Taking it to an advanced level -- women can also have orgasms without any touching at all! So here's the deal...
If you want to give your woman great sex and 'be the best she's ever had' -- you have to give her incredible sexual satisfaction and the single clitoral orgasm that most men give their women each time they take them to the bedroom is not going to do it.
So, the question is -- how exactly do you give your woman those other types of climax...
vaginal, squirting and anal? The answer is that you can only do this with a combination of the right sexual beliefs, some basic knowledge of female anatomy and sex techniques and the ability to be sexually dominant in the bedroom.
Allow me to explain.
Many men focus exclusively on the clitoris and think that is the only way to give a woman an orgasm.
Many men think they are not 'big enough' down there to satisfy their women.
With beliefs like that they are doomed to failure in the bedroom.
Clearly then, your sexual beliefs are important.
Next up, female anatomy and sex techniques.
To give your woman vaginal and squirting orgasms you need to know about her G-Spot and Deep Spot and the appropriate sex techniques you can use to stimulate those areas and make her come.
Finally, you have to be sexually dominant in the bedroom because most women are sexually submissive (meaning that they want to follow their man's lead in the bedroom).

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