Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How to Get Your Wife Back in Your Arms Again

You had a good marriage.
You were truly meant for each other.
Even though your marriage has ended, you still love your wife very much.
You would give anything to hold her again, and be with her again.
Is it possible to get her back, even if the marriage is over? Of course it is! Here are some ways to get her back.
Even though it may bring back some bad memories, think back to when you first noticed that something was wrong in your marriage.
What was happening at the time? When problems are bad enough to break up a marriage, they always start out as small problems.
When you do get back with your wife, is there a way to make sure that those problems don't happen again? If you know what to look for, then the chances are very good that you can see them when they start, and you can stop them from growing.
Did she want a divorce? Or did you? If she did, then why? Was it because she felt unloved or unwanted? Show her that you truly love her.
Talk to her about your true feelings - don't try to hide them.
So many times, men think that if they show their true emotions, they will be less of a man.
You have to stop that way of thinking if you truly want your wife back.
She NEEDS to hear how you really feel.
You won't be any less of a man - in fact, in her eyes, you will be MORE of a man.
Did you not spend enough time with each other? Talk to her, and tell her that you know that you should've spent more time together, but you just didn't realize it then.
Take steps to spend quality time with each other.
Just sit and talk.
Talk about anything - anything that both of you like to talk about.
It could be movies, books, social activities, sports, or whatever.
Never try to bring up the past.
If you wanted the divorce, think about why.
Tell her that you made a mistake, and that you want to try again.
Tell her that you didn't know what you were losing, but you realize it now, and would do just about anything to get her back.
Even though you would do anything, NEVER belittle yourself to make her happy.
If she wants you to become more like someone else, then there's something very wrong.
YOU are who she married.
Honesty is the best policy - in everything in life.
Even if you think it is silly, tell her how you feel.
About your relationship, about the problems you had, and about the good times you had.
Tell her how you truly love her and want her back, and want to make things work.
As long as you speak from the heart, she will know.
She will listen, and she will start to see the man she married again.

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