Have you ever wondered how the people in happy marriages do it? Like how do they manage to be loving to their spouse day in and day out, no matter how cranky they are? How is it that these happy couples can put the needs of their significant other before their own needs all the time? Are they selfless? Not to mention trust.
Most of us don't know what it is to be able to fully trust ourselves, let alone another person, but people in happy marriages will tell you that it's one of the main elements of a good relationship, so how do they manage to balance all of it? It Is Not a Juggling Act, But Sometimes It Can Feel Like It Is There are some basic elements of relationships that will allow you to go to the next level, from dating, to engagement, to marriage.
It's pretty unlikely that you would have gotten into a committed relationship with the person you're married to if you didn't have some of the essential building blocks for happy marriages at the beginning, so chances are that somewhere along the lines, factors such as mortgage payments, jobs and kids got in the way of the way that the two of you interact, so you're going to have to bring it back out.
What to Nurture Yes, there is that word - nurture.
You need to work to nurture certain aspects of your relationship so that the two of you can feel that you're in a solid committed relationship where you really and truly matter to each other.
In other words, even though you both know that life would go on without the other one, it wouldn't be nearly as fabulous.
Stop thinking only about what you as an individual can do and start thinking about what you as a couple can do and you might begin to see what makes happy marriages tick.
Remember when you were a kid and you used to want to hang out with your best friend all the time? You did everything together and your parents thought that they had adopted a child.
How fun was that? Now, you married your best friend, right? Well, maybe not, but happy marriages all around the world will tell you that life can be like one big "camp out" with your best friend.
Start looking for ways to laugh together.
Talk about everything.
Like what interests them and you individually and you as a couple.
The key is to show an interest in what your spouse is interested in and they will reciprocate for you and that's a friendship.
Don't forget to make time for intimacy.
If your partner sees you make time for them in a completely giving way, not a 'taking' way, they will feel loved, not used.
This is very important in any happy relationship and you will find all happy marriages have the couple loving one another intimately and with 'loving respect.
' Building trust and self esteem in each other, will also take you into the land of happier marriages faster than you could realize.
When your partner sees that you accept everything about them, they will drop the guarded, fearful behavior and let the real them shine.
Remember that happy relationships have their own rhythm and take their own time.
Yes, happy marriages do exist.
So, from now on, focus on you and your relationship and work on getting yourselves to a state of happiness in your marriage everyday.
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