Family & Relationships Conflict

How Can I Tell If My Ex Partner Still Likes Me? The Secret Skinny of Telling What He Really Thinks!

Breaking up is always a difficult time for us.
Often times, it is difficult for both of you, sometimes only you, but there is always hurt and upset one way or another.
One thing we must think about during the difficult times is that no matter how much we may want to stay together and be with our ex, it might not be reciprocated.
This is also made a lot harder due to the tender feelings at the time of the break up.
What I am trying to get across here is that we can often read things into situations and end up running head first down a slippery slope because we are highly emotionally charged and a lot of "wishful thinking" can show it's ugly head.
So, please take into account while you are taking in this this article that it is good to clear your head for a a bit if it was a recent split and take stock of things to make sure you are being realistic.
You never know, you might even discover that you don't want to be with the guy anyway and it was just the fear of being alone, sense of being rejected or "being the loser" that caused you to want him back anyway! Let's say that you do want to get back together again and you do have a deep love for the guy and want to know if the guy feels the same about you then here are a few tips which might help...
For starters you need to ponder on the fact that men don't always show their inner selves very well so it can often be difficult to tell if they do actually have lingering feelings for you.
Think about when you were in a relationship, how did your man communicate, in fact, did he communicate at all? If they found it hard to talk about their feelings anyway then imagine how difficult it will be for them to communicate about their feelings after a relationship has ended...
When we look at it that way then maybe it is better to speak to other people about it.
I know this may sound crazy but men often talk to their friends and family more than they do to the people they are in / were in a relationship with! It does work both ways, they may ask our friends and family about us, "Is she dating?" "Is she okay?" and of course he may express remorse for the break up to his friends and family or say that he wishes it had not happened.
So, if you speak with his friends and acquaintances it might be prudent to slip something into a chat when you next see them.
Just be sure to make is casual! Of course it can also work the other way around...
I once dated a man for a little under a year and his mother was always badgering him and I to marry.
Eventually we broke up on good terms and stayed friends but his mother was always telephoning me and telling me how he had asked about me and how we should be an item etc.
when in reality it was her that wanted it more than we did, so be careful of possessive mother in laws! Then again, if his mother does mention him while talking and says he asked about you then it could be a sign he still has love for you...
Of course it may even come from him if you suddenly happen to always "bump into each other" all the time.
It might be a coincidence but it also might be something he planned in order to see you again...
I know I've done it in the past! I think the easiest way of finding out is if you can both sit together and discuss it but I realise that guys don't always like to do that so we may have to resort to running around like headless chicken always wondering but I want you to bear this in mind ladies...
Always remember that a bloke cannot make you whole.
You are your own person.
A man cannot make you walk tall, feel wonderful about the inner you or make you love yourself.
You can survive and be happy without any person even though you may not immediately feel like it at the time so search your feelings and gauge whether he really was the perfect love or you just didn't like to loose or are simply feeling a little lost and above all be true to you and love yourself for who you are...

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