Family & Relationships Conflict

Cool Ways to Get Back With Your Ex

There are so many reasons why couples break up.
Likewise, there are so many ways to get back with your ex.
But not all works the same.
With that said, I have written down a few "cool" tips on how to get your ex interested in you again.
These are just a few methods that I have found to have worked on a lot of the couples I've worked with.
Cool Tip#1: Be totally cool about the breakup.
I would advice that you personally write a letter saying that you fully understand and realize that it was the best move for both of you at this point in your relationship.
Now that you've split up, you have had the time to think about what was missing in your relationship and know what you need to improve on to make future relationships work.
You could even thank him/her for it! Cool Tip#2: Go out with common friends.
One of the most powerful influences that makes and breaks a relationship are the people and friends surrounding you.
What we would like to do here is to keep you exposed to common friends so that you stay visible to your ex.
Remember that one of the best ways to get back with your ex is to keep yourself visible.
Even if you are not yet in the talking stage, your friends will undoubtedly keep your ex updated.
Cool Tip#3: Dress to kill.
Make sure that whenever you go out with common friends, dress extra special.
Don't just wear your usual stuff; wear something that would make your friends really notice.
If you feel you are fashion illiterate, just grab one of those fashion magazines and flip through the pages.
I would even suggest you go out and buy yourself some new clothes to wear (this goes for guys as well!).
Put on the expensive perfumes you have stored in your drawers.
The objective here is to make your friends talk about you and how good you look.
inevitably, they will mention this to your ex which will get him or her really curious about you.
Cool Tip#4: Make yourself interesting.
It is always a good sign if you maintain communication with your ex.
This means that your ex has not permanently closed the doors between you.
If you find yourself talking to your ex, make sure to make the mood light.
Don't talk about the breakup.
Don't even mention it.
Instead, talk about new stuff that's going on in your life.
That new perfume you've bought.
Or that new tv show you're watching.
Anything that would make him a little more curious and interested in you.
Get him to ask more questions.
What we want here is for your ex to get interested in what you've been up to.
Make the topic all about you.
Cool Tip#5: If you see that your ex is showing renewed signs of interest, stop! Don't over do it.
Now that you have built an interest in you, the last thing you want to happen is to let that interest die down quickly.
Don't give too much information.
Make your ex more curious and build on that curiosity.
There are so many ways to get back with your ex but the main goal that we want to happen here is to get your ex to have a renewed interest in you.
Interest and curiosity is a powerful bait! If you are successful in achieving this, then you have a good chance of getting your ex back.
Then follow through on additional techniques and ways to reel your ex back in!

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