Family & Relationships Conflict

Break Up Blues - Tips To Overcome Them

One of the toughest things in life is going through a break up.
I have heard people say worrying about an expected event will cause you more misery than the event itself.
But with a relationship break up, the opposite is true.
The event itself may pass off causing you much grief but what will follow is a period of intense pain and agony.
The pity is that you don't know what to do and the burden of the event sits on your back immobilizing you on the one hand and putting you under continuous strain, on the other.
You think of doing something but wonder whether what you intend doing will turn out to be right.
Since you have just experienced a failure in your relationship issue, you feel diffident about doing anything, haunted by the fear that it may end up in a failure.
Given the fact that going through a breakup can be one of the bitterest experiences you can undergo in your life, it is quite natural that you are confused and you need some good advice.
Here are some dos and don'ts which, if followed, will go a long way in mitigating the misery of a break up.
1) Understand what you did wrong: When we face a difficult situation, it is natural for us to blame others for what has happened.
But an honest introspection will show what you did wrong.
It is not that what you did was the major cause for the break up.
Even if the other person was the major contributor to the unfortunate parting of ways between you two, there would definitely have been a few things you did or failed to do that might have added to the severity of the problem.
In any case, you could have done a few things that would have saved the relationship.
Realizing your own role in the developments will help you understand your role better and make you feel better with the feeling that you at least have become wise by the event.
2) Have a lot of fun: Strange as this advice may seem, the best way to drive out feelings of depression is to act cheerful.
You can't make yourself cheerful by sitting at a place or by engaging in routine activities.
The quickest and the most effective way of overcoming the break up blues is to have a lot of fun.
Move out with friends of either sex, attend parties and celebrate your life.

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