Although break ups are fairly common, yours may have come completely out of the blue.
You had never imagined that your boyfriend could break up with you.
Given the great surprise that the break up caught you up in, you ended saying some things you had never expected to utter.
The break up therefore turned into quite an emotional showdown.
Now that the episode is behind you, you are interested in how to get back with your boyfriend.
This concern may turn so obsessive that it may threaten your emotional stability if you do nothing about it.
Irrespective of how acrimonious your break up was, you can still turn back the tide if you know how to get back with your boyfriend.
However, it is a delicate matter and you need to know how to make your approach.
Make your boyfriend see it as his own brain-child The best approach on how to get back with your boyfriend is not to make it appear as if it is your own idea.
You should find a way to influence your boyfriend to come up with the idea on his own.
Leave an appealing voicemail You may decide to leave your ex boyfriend a voicemail that encourages him to call you back.
Be brief without getting too specific.
Let him know that you appreciate the way in which he has helped you.
Tell him that his help has brought a great change in your life.
Then ask him to call you so that you can thank him personally.
In order for your plan to be effective, you should ensure that you do not speak with your ex boyfriend when you make your call.
Just leave a voicemail.
In the event that he happens to pick up the call, you should not let him manipulate you to give any more details over the phone than you should.
Let him know, politely, that you need to give your thanks in person.
You will achieve a number of things by doing this.
First of all, you will take advantage of curiosity.
You will make your ex boyfriend curious, and he will be interested in finding out more about what you have in mind.
He will want to know the special way in which he had helped you.
He will also be curious to know how particularly you would like to give your thanks.
Have a good plan You need to have a very good plan on the steps you need to take thereafter.
For one, you must be prepared with something concrete to tell him when he calls you back.
You must also have something very genuine to thank him for.
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