- 1). Click "Open" in the File menu and open your current project. Locate the photo file on your timeline that you wish to change the length of. If the photo is attached to an audio file on your timeline, make sure to click the "Ignore Event Grouping" icon in the task bar (use the shortcut Control+Shift+U) so that the audio file doesn't also get manipulated as you play with your photo length.
- 2). Place your cursor the far right center edge of the photo you wish to change the length of. Once the cursor is in place on the right center edge, the cursor will change to a double-sided arrow within a box. Once the cursor has changed, click and hold the mouse and pull the cursor to the right until the desired length is achieved. Make sure to click on "Auto Ripple" in the taskbar so that one photo does not cover another as you change length.
- 3). Consider changing the default photo length of all photos before they are dropped onto the timeline. This way, all photo lengths are standard, and you can make the default as long or as short as you like. The default length is six seconds.
- 4). Select "Preferences" under the Options menu. Click the "Editing" tab and look for line that reads "New still image length (seconds)." Use the up and down arrows to select your new default length for photos.
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