Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

How to Connect Battery Cables

    Replacing the Battery Cables on Your Vehicles

    • 1
      WrenchWrench image by hugy from

      Remove the old cables from your battery by loosening the bolts on both cable ends with a wrench. Take both cables off the battery posts, starting with the negative cable.

    • 2). Disconnect the negative cable from the engine block. Remove the positive cable from the solenoid, relay or starter.

    • 3
      Wire brush for cleaning battery postsdrahtb??rste image by Frank-Peter Funke from

      Clean both battery posts with a wire brush. Connect the positive cable to the solenoid, relay or starter. Connect the other end to the battery post and tighten both ends with a wrench. Connect the negative battery cable to the engine block where you took it off. Connect the other end to the negative post on the battery and tighten both ends with a wrench.

    Connecting Jumper Cables

    Connecting the Second Battery in the Vehicle

    • 1). Connect a second battery in parallel with the first battery, i.e., hook the negative (-) post from the first battery to the negative (-) post on the second battery first. Hook the positive (+) post from the first battery to the positive (+) post on the second battery.

    • 2). Remove the nut from the negative (-) cable and take the cable off the battery. Take the nut off the positive (+) cable end and place the eyelet of the new cable on the bolt, then replace the nut and tighten with a wrench. Place the other end of the cable on the positive (+) post on the second battery, tighten with a wrench.

    • 3). Connect one cable end to the negative (-) post of the second battery and tighten with a wrench. Place the other end with the eyelet on the negative (-) cable end bolt on the first battery and replace the nut. Reconnect the cable to the first battery and tighten nut with a wrench.

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