Because you are reading this article, I will assume that you are looking for advice on how to win back your girlfriend.
Well, then let me just take a moment for congratulating you on doing so.
Why? Because when I was in your shoes, I wasn't as smart as being able to think of what you're doing.
What I did was to try to win back my girlfriend by methods that I made up and made sense to me.
Unfortunately it took me a long time to realize that by myself I was going nowhere and I needed to change my approach.
My girlfriend had told me that she no longer wanted me and we had broken up - but this had indeed devastated me.
It was like my life had just ended.
But I wouldn't just accept the break up and let the girl of my dreams walk away from my life just like that - I promised that I would fight.
And so I ended up thinking all day long on what I had to do to win back my girlfriend.
The following sentences are my genius "methods" to get my girlfriend back: "It's easy! I will just call her, and apologize for being such a jerk to her.
Then she will well up tears and will come to my arms running!" "Hey, you know what, if I beg to her, and beg really really hard, she will come back to me!" "Hmm, just remembered.
I haven't sent a text message her for the last...
ten minutes!! Time for some serious text message terrorizing!" Of course I don't have to tell you that these didn't work at all and made everything even worse.
They were knee-jerk reactions out of the "if I want to get her back, I must do something right now, I can't wait!" psychology.
This advice is crucial - never ever listen to your emotions and try to come up with "genius" methods to win back your girlfriend.
The best thing to do when you want a girlfriend back is to ask for outside advice - it is what made my girlfriend come back to me!