Family & Relationships Conflict

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back - The Top 3 Reasons Why She Broke Up With You

The most important key to get your ex girlfriend back is to uncover the real reason why she left in the first place.
Women are emotional creatures and act upon their emotions instead of logic like a man does.
The top 3 reasons a woman will break up with a man are:
  • The man gets too clingy or needy.
  • Not showing enough attention but feel rejection when she leaves so now too much attention.
  • Boredom sets in and the relationship got very routine.
  • -If you want to get your ex girlfriend back after being too clingy or needy you need to take a step back for a few weeks and really get your head clear.
    This is the time where you need to get your life back outside of her.
    You can make a lot of progress in this time also known as a period of emotional growth.
    You need to connect with old friends you may have pushed away.
    This is also a great time to pick up old hobbies or interests as well as maybe adding some others you've been curious about.
    Also keeping yourself busy is a great way to take your mind off her as well.
    This will make you an attractive male in her eyes again and is the first step to get your ex girlfriend back.
    -Just like the being too needy or clingy, the exact opposite can be true to make her head for the door.
    If this was the case, you need to figure out if you really wanted to be in the relationship with her in the first place or if you're feeling rejected and acting out strictly because of that.
    Do you really even want to get your ex girlfriend back? There's a number of reasons you could have been too distant.
    Were you playing some pick up artist gimmick and making yourself "scarce" and over did it? Do you work long hours or travel frequently for business? Do you have a sick family member or children that require a lot of your time? Did you just not enjoy spending time with her? Opposites do attract but when there's a gaping void in wants and needs it will not always work out.
    If you realize you still want to get your ex girlfriend back then great and if not that's fine too.
    Sometimes it's better to find someone else who lives a similar busy lifestyle as yours or someone not so needy of time spent.
    If it's that you didn't enjoy spending time with her then maybe again the relationship wasn't for you.
    -Boredom, this is bound to happen in most relationships and usually happens anywhere from 6 months to a year.
    If this was the case the chances are good that you can get your ex girlfriend back.
    Maybe things weren't as spontaneous as the once were and you both spent far too much time sitting around watching re-runs of VH1 reality shows.
    It's nice to do once in a while but as a routine it will eventually make her think, is this what my life is now? Is this all there is? Just like the being too clingy this is also a great time for you to get your life back.
    If you fell into the routine I'm sure you were bored with it as well.
    The key is to figure out what happened and why.
    Truly your girlfriend probably didn't give you the exact truth when she gave you reasons for the breakup as to save your feelings and not to tell you that you're too clingy or boring.
    Now that you have got an idea of where the relationship took a turn for the worse you have a better chance to get your ex girlfriend back.

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