Being alone again all of a sudden can be incredibly frightening...
all you want to do is convince your ex to come back to you, but even that looks both terrifying and impossible.
Well, cheer up a bit...
it doesn't have to be any harder that you make it be, you just need a few pointers on what to do! 1) Attacking your ex with a barrage of attention will just alienate and push him away.
Staying aloof may seem counterproductive to your efforts, but trust me when I tell you it's the best way to avoid looking desperate and like somebody your ex wants to get away from.
Put a little distance between the two of you, or else your ex will put a LOT of distance between you.
2) Get up and get out.
Friends and fun are the best cures for a broken heart, and while they may seem a little elusive at first both can be more easily gotten ahold of if you push that pain down to where it doesn't affect them.
It'll be forced at first, but once you've started having a good time with your friends, you'll soon realize that life isn't over just because you got dumped...
and that realization is fuel for more than just getting your ex back.
3) Make use of your time, and by that I don't mean see it as an opportunity to catch up on past seasons of Will and Grace.
Figure out what went wrong in your relationship and take whatever steps you are capable of to fix it.
Your relationship won't work the second time if it's still beset by the problems of the first time.
So that's it.
Not everything in the world you could ever need to know on the subject, but if this doesn't get you started and help you out there's something seriously wrong.
These tips should help get you into a mindset that'll start you on your path to not just getting your ex back, but recovering enough emotionally to understand that in all reality you may not even NEED him back...
and what a freedom that is!
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