I am sure lots of couple's out there are asking themselves this question.
Well I must say that yes you have to save your marriage but the truth is the answer lies within you.
I would give you a few tips on how to answer this question but you are the only one who can make the decision and decide.
You need to ask yourself: Why did I get married? I am sure for you to have decided to get married in the first place you must have had LOVE.
So ask yourself where is the Love? You should take time to find that spark, that connection that made you take that bold step of getting married.
You should remember you made a vow which is "for better or worse until death do us part" so why get out of it.
Do I enjoy times we spent together? In most cases you don't like spending times with your partner due to the conflicts you are having in your relationship, you don't enjoy your spouse presence and you don't like doing things with him but come to think of it there was a time when every moment spent with each other felt like paradise, try and remember the good times, find the spark and think of the things you've done together.
What are the measures I have take in resolving the conflict in my marriage? Now you need to ask yourself have I tried enough and what are the steps you have taken to make sure that you resolve the conflicts going on in your marriage.
You don't have to be a coward and just back out of the marriage, you need to fight for what you believe in.
There is an adage that says the devil you know is better than the angel you don't know so save your marriage!