Shared parenting or child custody is among the numerous critical aspects of divorce.
The child can be greatly affected by the separation of both parents; hence, child shared custody may be best to help the child cope with the current family issues and situation at hand.
However, you must also bear in mind that shared child custody may also be not well suited in several situations; especially when the welfare of the child is at stake.
In this case, one of the parents may have several problems which can greatly affect the safety and overall upbringing of the child.
To cite several examples of situations where shared parenting and custody of the child is not best includes the following: One of the separated couples is not financially able to support the child One of the parents has undesirable bad vices like excessive use of alcohol and drug abuse Psychological problems of one of the parents can also lead to court decision not to grant shared custody of the child There are still many other reasons why child shared custody is not best; you must carefully assess your own situation so that the best possible child custody is given to your little loved ones.
Once you have identified the best custody for your kids, then your next move is to fight for it and ensure your success in letting the court grant the type of custody that you want to have for your child.
To improve your success, you must develop your own strategies and equip yourself with sufficient information and knowledge about this matter so that you are well prepared in the upcoming legal battles ahead.
Whether you are fighting for or against child shared custody; make sure you have the strategies properly laid out to ensure the best child custody for your loved ones
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