A broken heart is a very upsetting thing to deal with.
I think we've all had a broken heart at one time or another.
But while a broken heart is painful, it can be healed and fixed.
You need to give a broken heart TLC (tender loving care) and also to be conscious of the issues that need to be healed.
This is especially true if you are hoping to get back together with your ex and make this break up a temporary situation.
Take good care of yourself with a broken heart.
Many people with a broken heart start to neglect themselves in all kinds of ways.
They neglect their hygiene or cleaning their homes.
They feel depressed so they don't socialize.
They may get distracted so they don't pay their bills.
You can easily see that these are behaviors that would affect one in a negative way.
Don't let yourself get into a downward spiral.
Take good care of yourself especially after a break up.
Get enough sleep, eat properly, take vitamins and spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself.
Forgive yourself.
This may sound kind of funny but it is actually an important step.
Many people with a broken heart dealing with a break up spend so much time criticizing themselves for a break up that they don't do much else.
This puts them in a very frustrating situation of feeling so poorly about themselves that they don't want to do anything to change the situation.
But they so desperately want to be with their ex and to them it doesn't seem fair.
It is a cycle that goes around and around.
Stop the cycle and forgive yourself for whatever happened.
Focus on fixing the problem and have a positive attitude about the situation.
Get out there and have a life.
If you are like the typical person with a broken heart after a break up, this is the last thing you'll want to do.
Your ideal day or evening activity is probably watching TV while eating cookie dough ice cream.
You deserve better in your life.
Be with friends and family who make you feel good.
Even go places by yourself.
Before you know it, you'll be laughing and having a great time, even with the sad things going on.
Most importantly, the news will get back to your ex that you are out on the town having a good time.
This will make them curious, "what are they doing?" they'll start to wonder.
This can even make them want you back all the more after a break up because you aren't letting anything stop you.
Let yourself "run into" your ex.
Think of the places your ex would go and their regular schedule.
Now is a time to use them to your best advantage.
Go put some shirts at their dry cleaner or shop on their side of town.
Walk by the block where they live.
You are trying to encourage a "chance" encounter.
While your ex thinks it is by chance, you know you have created it but that doesn't matter.
This encounter could help your relationship get started up again, making an end to your sad little broken heart.