Family and friends are not always helpful when it comes to giving advice on what to do to get your ex back after a break up.
When this happens, you will want to try to find a new form of advice.
A counselor will cost you money each time you go there, so you start to wonder 'Is there any free help getting back an ex-boyfriend that can be better than what mom said?'.
Although your family and friends have the right intentions in mind, sometimes you just need an outside source's help and advice.
The internet is a great place to start when you are looking for advice on break ups and how to get your ex back.
The internet can provide you with forums, plus pages of experts who are willing to help you with any problem that you may encounter.
Whatever source you find will have people telling you to take a step back from the relationship and think, because getting back your ex can consume all of your time, when really it should not.
These people might be advising you to step back, because the more obsessive you become over getting your ex back, the less likely he will want to get back together with you.
This is basic human nature and once he knows that you only want to bring him back, you will no longer be attractive to him.
Instead of stressing out, you should stop contacting your ex and work on improving yourself.
The single life lets you pamper and spend money on yourself.
When you are pampering and taking care of yourself, be sure that you are eating right, exercising, and stick with an overall "better yourself" routine.
This way you will not only look better on the outside, but feel better on the inside as well.
Make yourself go out with friends and family even if you do not want to.
When you do go out, do not stay out too late, because you need a lot of rest in order to be healthier as well.
Feeling and looking better will help you think straight, about if and why you want your ex back.
If you do decide that you want your ex back once you have a level head, then you are ready to take it to the next level.