In your haste to make things right with your ex it is easy to get overzealous and commit some of the fatal six sins that can ruin your chances of reconciliation forever.
Since you do not want to ruin your relationship beyond repair, before you commit any of these sins you may want to read the six mistakes you shouldn't make while trying to get your ex back.
While some of these may be harder than others to avoid for you it is necessary to keep yourself in check if you want the good old days of your relationship back.
Staying friends This is the most classic mistake made by people who are so heartbroken that they will do anything to stay in their ex's life.
If you stay friends you give your ex the best side of you without commitment and probably very little on their side in return.
Instead, make your ex see just what life without you means if you want to see their return into your life as a significant other.
Trash talking them to mutual friends You probably have many leftover obscenities for your ex that you never got to tell them.
However, while it may be fun and relieving to use these terms on them to mutual friends whatever you say will get back to your ex.
If you want them back then you want every thought of theirs about you to be positive, and trash talk is everything but.
Becoming a hobbit When you are heartbroken the last thing you feel like doing is socializing, however, people are attracted to people who are active and social.
If you want your ex back you have to continue to display a high level of self-worth, which means pulling yourself together and getting out on the weekends.
Drunken phone messages While you are out nursing your broken heart it is quite likely you may hit the bottle a bit.
Make sure that if you get tipsy or drunk that you have someone around you to prevent you from making drunken phone calls or texts to your ex.
Not only do you look desperate and needy (seriously unattractive), but it is way too easy to say something that may damage your chances of reconciliation forever when you are not thinking clearly.
One night stands One recommendation that many people follow to get their ex back is jealousy.
However, jealousy and promiscuousness are two very different things.
If you want your ex back flirting and casual dating is acceptable, but no matter how tempting it is you should avoid one night stands at all costs.
This simply makes you look trashy and out of control which will not help you get your ex back any faster.
Following them around This speaks for itself, but no matter how tempting it may be you cannot stalk your ex.
Not only are they going to think you are crazy, but if you are always hanging around them they may get more annoyed at you than when you were still together.
Obviously this is clearly a step in the wrong direction.
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