Family & Relationships Conflict

The Moving On Process - A Few Steps

Did you just break up with your partner or he just broke up with you? Do you want to move on from this past relationship and live a better life? Are you having a hard time weaning yourself from your previous relationship and find yourself stumbling back towards your ex? The moving on process is very complicated and, in most cases, painful.
It's not easy letting go of someone you love: that person, your life together, what could have been your future together.
But just as every love story goes, break ups are not the end of the world.
And you can move on from your ex just as easily as the next girl.
There are a million self-help guides available, discussing the various ways to move on.
Some are easy, some are simply not applicable to other people.
Below are three basic steps which would serve as a stepping stone.
Moving on begins with baby steps.
It's not something you can do dramatically overnight.
But there are some things you can do slowly, one day at a time, that can one day lead you into waking up and realizing that you not only have moved on from your ex, you have also moved forward with your life.
Cut off communication Keeping in touch with your ex lover is an absolute no-no in the moving on process.
Expect yourself to linger months or even years in a dead-end relationship if you will keep calling, emailing, texting, and poking each other on whatever social networking site you two are on.
You will find that you still talk the same way you do when you were together, and you even maintained the term of endearment.
However, the relationship was not maintained.
And this makes for a very messy, very confusing stage.
To avoid this mess, it is necessary to sever communication ties with your ex.
Moving on is easier if you don't hear from him anymore.
Of course, you will miss him.
But tell yourself that the pain of what comes after relapsing is worse than the pain of missing him.
Delete his number from your phone book, put his email to spam, block him everywhere.
If you feel like talking to him, do not give in.
Call your best friend and ask her to talk you out of it.
Count one to one hundred.
Turn off your phone and step out of the room for fifteen minutes.
This should get you off the initial, intense longing of contacting your ex.
This may not be something that would work immediately, but with practice, you can successfully delete your ex not just from your phonebook but also from your life.
Take up new hobbies You will need to distract yourself so that you will spend less time wallowing in depression, missing your ex, and getting stuck in an already terminated relationship.
Try learning how to bake or cook, or perhaps a foreign language.
Take up martial arts or photography classes.
Indulge yourself in activities that will improve your well-being AND also get your mind off your ex.
Soon enough, you'll realize that you're already on your way to moving on for good.
Go out Taking up new hobbies will lead you to meeting new, interesting people.
Take advantage of this.
Do not confine yourself within the four walls of your bedroom which most probably reek of memories of your ex.
Throw out whatever items will remind you of him.
Stop being sentimental.
Go out of your room and into the world! Party with your friends and open your mind to the possibility of someone new sweeping you off your feet.
Shedding tears, eating chocolates, and watching movies in your bedroom all day will not expedite your moving on process.
Fix yourself up, step up your game, dare to be new, and go out! One of the benefits of moving on is that in the process of fixing your heart, you also end up fixing your entire life.

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