If you're still crazy in love with him even after the break up, you'll be happy to hear that there are ways to get your ex boyfriend back and make him love you again. Relationships that come to an end don't have to be lost forever. Even though right now it may feel like there's no chance for the two of you to get back together, there likely is. Living without him certainly doesn't have to be your destiny. With the right insight and a plan in place that works, you can get him back and deeper in love with you than he's ever been before.
One of the most effective ways to get your ex boyfriend back and make him love you again is to reject him. This sounds heartless but in fact, it works amazingly well when you're trying to rekindle a lost love. It doesn't matter if he was the one who dumped you or if the break up was mutual. In a very compassionate and straightforward way you're going to tell him that you've realized that the break up was a good thing for both of you. You'll also tell him that you wish him nothing but the best and hope that he finds true happiness in his life. If you can do that, while staying composed emotionally, you'll stand a very good chance of getting the man back.
Another of the proven ways to get your ex boyfriend to love you all over again is to create some distance. You're not going to win him back by begging or pleading with him. You have to show him that you can live without him. Surprisingly when a woman does this, it pushes a specific psychological trigger within a man. He wants to prove her wrong and that's the motivating factor that makes him turn the tables on the relationship so he's the one trying to get her back.
You owe it to yourself and your relationship to try the no contact approach. Just make a decision to not talk to him for the next two to three weeks. Stay strong and focused. Busy yourself doing anything but thinking about him. You'll be pleasantly surprised by how responsive he is once he does reach out to you. The threat of losing you forever may be just enough to make him realize that he can't live without you either.
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