How you act and behave around your ex after a breakup has a huge effect on whether or not he/she will take you back.
In fact it is so critical that you know how to behave that if you do not do the right things, your ex will hate you forever and will never accept you back.
You must be aware at all costs of the deadly mistakes which people easily make, either because they are desperate, lonely, etc..
to get their ex back.
Here are 3 emotions which you must never display in front of your ex if you really want to get your ex back...
Depression- Yes, you broke up, and you are no longer with your ex, but acting as if your life cannot go on, only makes you look pathetic.
You see, no one wants to be around a depressed person, which is why you must never show this to your ex.
The instant you show your ex how down and in the gutters you really are, you give your ex the control.
You wildly chase your ex, because you are so depressed, and then your ex only ends up taking you for granted.
That is why you must get out of your depression as fast as possible! Jealousy- Constantly trying to control your ex and acting as if he/she can never date again, will only make your ex want to date even more.
You see, trying to force your ex to do or not do something, simply on the basis of jealousy makes them think you are just insecure.
You will only be miserable as well, by becoming jealous, so it is extremely wise not to let your ex make you jealous.
Revenge- This is something people instantly want when their ex breaks up with them, because they feel like their ex hurt them and owes them something.
So while at the same time, you want to pull your ex back, you are also attempting to hurt your ex.
So what happens is you worsen your situation even more as you try to blackmail, hurt, harass etc...
your ex into getting the satisfaction you feel you deserve.
However, if you were to logically think about this for a moment, trying to get revenge on your ex for things in the past etc...
will never get your ex back, but will only push them away.
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