- 1). Press down on the trackpad to click a link or icon. Quickly press down on the trackpad twice to double-click.
- 2). Tap the trackpad lightly with two fingers simultaneously to access the standard right-click menus.
- 3). Place two fingers on the trackpad and move them quickly to the left to access the previous Web page or folder you've viewed.
- 4). Place three fingers on the trackpad and move them quickly to the right or left to access full screen applications or Spaces to the right and left of your desktop, respectively.
- 5). Place two fingers on the trackpad and gently move them vertically up and down the trackpad to scroll through Web pages, PDFs and other documents.
- 6). Place three fingers on the trackpad and quickly move them down the trackpad to access your Expose dashboard, which displays all applications currently open on your Mac.
- 7). Move your mouse cursor over a word and tap the trackpad twice with three fingers to look up the definition of that word with Apple's built-in dictionary.
- 8). Move your cursor over a column of text on a Web page or a face on a photo and tap the trackpad twice with two fingers to zoom into that area.
- 9). Place two fingers on the trackpad and move them together at a diagonal angle to zoom out of a photo or document. Move them apart at a diagonal angle to zoom in.